Couples Counseling

We will help you build a relationship that endures.

That might mean working with you to repair and heal a marriage in trouble. Or it can mean creating a strong foundation right as a marriage is starting. And sometimes marriages just need an occasional checkup to keep a good thing going. We can help with all of it.

What to expect in couples counseling…

In the first few sessions of couples counseling your therapist will learn about your relationship, provide plenty of time for each partner to describe different aspects of the marriage, and begin developing tools with you so you can start addressing problematic areas. Often in this process couples will uncover past hurt and may even discover new issues. This review and discovery process is an important first step to repairing and strengthening a marriage.

Change in a marriage requires time, a lot of honesty, and lot of hard work from both spouses. Marriage therapy will have a lasting, positive impact only if both spouses are fully committed to attending sessions and working on elements of the marriage outside of therapy.

In marriage therapy with an Azure therapist you will learn how to:

  • Feel emotionally connected to your spouse more often

  • Talk through things you disagree about without ending in a hurtful argument

  • Recognize the root of your marital conflicts and develop techniques to address them

  • Help your spouse understand your emotions and perspective

  • Make sincere apologies and repair hurt feelings

  • Identify harmful patterns in your marriage and learn how to break the cycle

  • Find more peace in your sexual relationship

  • And much more


Individual therapy


Family therapy